Saturday, May 23, 2020

A Health Promotion Proposal Is Based On The Health Belief...

The theoretical framework of this health promotion proposal is based on the Health Belief Model (HBM). HBM is one of the most commonly used theories to analyze the feasibility, barriers and perceptions of a person in adopting interventions aimed at health promotion and disease prevention (Kim, Ahn, No, 2012). The four main constructs of the HBM are perceived susceptibility, perceived barriers, perceived benefits, and perceived severity (Yazdanpanah, Forouzani, Hojjati, 2015). Motivational variables, self-efficacy, and cues to action are the three additional components that can influence an individual’s behavior and decision making. The core propositions of the HBM is that an individual’s adoption of health behavior is influenced by the person’s perception of vulnerability to the disease; belief that the illness can cause serious consequences; perceives that he/she can avoid the occurrence of disease; identifies that the actions taken outweighs the cost; and the trust that he/she can effectively execute the recommended health behavior (Dehghani-Tafti et al., 2015). The HBM is used as a framework to guide this research in order to better understand parental oral health beliefs for their children and to examine if integration of oral health promotion activities into the standard wellness visits can influence the beliefs and behavior of parents. Appropriately enhancing the caregiver’s awareness of oral health problems related to their cultural beliefs and behaviorShow MoreRelatedPublic Health and Health Advocacy Project Essay2201 Words   |  9 PagesUniversity of Phoenix Material Weekly Guide Community Health Advocacy Project Overview Each week you will use the Weekly Guide to guide you through the process of creating a hypothetical, community health advocacy project due in Week Six. The following breakdown represents each weeks part: †¢ In Week One, you select an aggregate and write questions to help you identify areas of strength and of need. †¢ In Week Two, you focus on describing the characteristics of yourRead MoreThe Importance Of Medicaid Expansion And The Affordable Care Act3464 Words   |  14 Pages During World War I, health insurance became an important public issue in the United States. Between 1915 and 1920, eight states appointed official commissions to investigate the subject. The movement for health insurance was initiated by the American Association for Labor Legislation, which had conducted an energetic and successful campaign for workers compensation laws. In 1915 Milton Terris, health physician and epidemiologist who was an advocate for progressive health policy. the Association

Monday, May 11, 2020

Recibir Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, Examples

The Spanish verb recibir  means to receive. It is  a regular  -ir  verb like  vivir, compartir  and  escribir. In this article youll find recibir conjugations  in the indicative mood (present, preterite, imperfect, future, periphrastic future, and conditional), subjunctive mood (present and past), and imperative mood, as well as other verb forms such as the present and past participles. Like in English, the verb  recibir can be used to talk about receiving things or people, such as a gift,  recibir un regalo,  or guests,  recibir visitas.  However, in Spanish,  when used reflexively,  recibirse  can also mean to graduate, as in  Ella se recibià ³ este aà ±o de la universidad  (She graduated this year from the university). Recibir Present Indicative Yo recibo I receive Yo recibo un premio por mi buen trabajo. T recibes You receive T recibes visitas en tu casa. Usted/l/ella recibe You/he/she receives Ella recibe buenas noticias. Nosotros recibimos We receive Nosotros recibimos a los estudiantes nuevos en la escuela. Vosotros recibs You receive Vosotros recibs muchos correos electrnicos. Ustedes/ellos/ellas reciben You/they receive Ellos reciben a la familia en el aeropuerto. Recibir Preterite  Indicative The preterite tense can be translated as the English simple past. It is used to talk about completed actions in the past. Yo recib I received Yo recib un premio por mi buen trabajo. T recibiste You received T recibiste visitas en tu casa. Usted/l/ella recibi You/he/she received Ella recibi buenas noticias. Nosotros recibimos We received Nosotros recibimos a los estudiantes nuevos en la escuela. Vosotros recibisteis You received Vosotros recibisteis muchos correos electrnicos. Ustedes/ellos/ellas recibieron You/they received Ellos recibieron a la familia en el aeropuerto. Recibir Imperfect  Indicative The imperfect tense can be translated to English as was receiving or used to receive. In Spanish, it is  used to talk about ongoing or habitual actions in the past.   Yo reciba I received Yo reciba un premio por mi buen trabajo. T recibas You received T recibas visitas en tu casa. Usted/l/ella reciba You/he/she received Ella reciba buenas noticias. Nosotros recibamos We received Nosotros recibamos a los estudiantes nuevos en la escuela. Vosotros recibais You received Vosotros recibais muchos correos electrnicos. Ustedes/ellos/ellas reciban You/they received Ellos reciban a la familia en el aeropuerto. Recibir Future  Indicative Yo recibir I will receive Yo recibir un premio por mi buen trabajo. T recibirs You will receive T recibirs visitas en tu casa. Usted/l/ella recibir You/he/she will receive Ella recibir buenas noticias. Nosotros recibiremos We will receive Nosotros recibiremos a los estudiantes nuevos en la escuela. Vosotros recibiris You will receive Vosotros recibiris muchos correos electrnicos. Ustedes/ellos/ellas recibirn You/they will receive Ellos recibirn a la familia en el aeropuerto. Recibir Periphrastic Future  Indicative To form the periphrastic future tense you need the present indicative conjugation of the verb  ir  (to go),  the preposition  a,  and the infinitive of the verb (recibir). Yo voy a recibir I am going to receive Yo voy a recibir un premio por mi buen trabajo. T vas a recibir You are going to receive T vas a recibir visitas en tu casa. Usted/l/ella va a recibir You/he/she is going to receive Ella va a recibir buenas noticias. Nosotros vamos a recibir We are going to receive Nosotros vamos a recibir a los estudiantes nuevos en la escuela. Vosotros vais a recibir You are going to receive Vosotros vais a recibir muchos correos electrnicos. Ustedes/ellos/ellas van a recibir You/they are going to receive Ellos van a recibir a la familia en el aeropuerto. Recibir Conditional  Indicative The conditional tense is usually translated to English as would verb, and it is used to talk about possibilities.   Yo recibira I would receive Yo recibira un premio por mi buen trabajo si tuviera un buen jefe. T recibiras You would receive T recibiras visitas en tu casa si tuvieras espacio. Usted/l/ella recibira You/he/she would receive Ella recibira buenas noticias, pero no se han comunicado con ella. Nosotros recibiramos We would receive Nosotros recibiramos a los estudiantes nuevos en la escuela, pero no hay espacio. Vosotros recibirais You would receive Vosotros recibirais muchos correos electrnicos si tuvierais ms clientes. Ustedes/ellos/ellas recibiran You/they would receive Ellos recibiran a la familia en el aeropuerto si vinieran a visitar. Recibir Present Progressive/Gerund Form To form the present progressive tense, you need the  present tense conjugation of the verb estar, and the  present participle (gerundio  in Spanish). The present participle of  -ir verbs is formed with the ending  -iendo. Present Progressive of  Recibir està ¡ recibiendo  She is receiving Ella està ¡ recibiendo  buenas noticias.   Recibir Past Participle To form the past participle of -ir verbs, you need the ending -ido. The past participle can be used as an adjective or to form compound tenses such as the present perfect.   Present Perfect of  Recibir   ha recibido  She has received Ella ha recibido buenas noticias.   Recibir Present Subjunctive When a sentence has two different clauses, a main clause and a subordinate clause, and each clause has a different subject, you need to use the subjunctive mood. The subjunctive is used to talk about emotions, doubts, possibilities, recommendations, and other subjective or uncertain situations. Que yo reciba That I receive La maestra quiere que yo reciba un premio por mi buen trabajo. Que t recibas That you receive Carmen quiere que t recibas visitas en tu casa. Que usted/l/ella reciba That you/he/she receive El jefe quiere que ella reciba buenas noticias. Que nosotros recibamos That we receive El director quiere que nosotros recibamos a los estudiantes nuevos en la escuela. Que vosotros recibis That you receive El cliente quiere que vosotros recibis muchos correos electrnicos. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas reciban That you/they receive Mam quiere que ellos reciban a la familia en el aeropuerto. Recibir Imperfect  Subjunctive There are two ways to conjugate  the imperfect subjunctive. Both forms are equally valid. Option 1 Que yo recibiera That I received La maestra quera que yo recibiera un premio por mi buen trabajo. Que t recibieras That you received Carmen quera que t recibieras visitas en tu casa. Que usted/l/ella recibiera That you/he/she received El jefe quera que ella recibiera buenas noticias. Que nosotros recibiramos That we received El director quera que nosotros recibiramos a los estudiantes nuevos en la escuela. Que vosotros recibierais That you received El cliente quera que vosotros recibierais muchos correos electrnicos. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas recibieran That you/they received Mam quera que ellos recibieran a la familia en el aeropuerto. Option 2 Que yo recibiese That I received La maestra quera que yo recibiese un premio por mi buen trabajo. Que t recibieses That you received Carmen quera que t recibieses visitas en tu casa. Que usted/l/ella recibiese That you/he/she received El jefe quera que ella recibiese buenas noticias. Que nosotros recibisemos That we received El director quera que nosotros recibisemos a los estudiantes nuevos en la escuela. Que vosotros recibieseis That you received El cliente quera que vosotros recibieseis muchos correos electrnicos. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas recibiesen That you/they received Mam quera que ellos recibiesen a la familia en el aeropuerto. Recibir Imperative   The purpose of the imperative mood is to give direct commands or orders. In the tables below you can see both the positive and negative commands, which have slightly different forms. Notice that there are no imperative forms for  yo,  Ãƒ ©l/ella, or ellos/ellas. Positive Commands T recibe Receive! Recibe visitas en tu casa! Usted reciba Receive! Reciba buenas noticias! Nosotros recibamos Lets receive! Recibamos a los estudiantes nuevos en la escuela! Vosotros recibid Receive! Recibid muchos correos electrnicos! Ustedes reciban Receive! Reciban a la familia en el aeropuerto! Negative Commands T no recibas Dont receive! No recibas visitas en tu casa! Usted no reciba Dont receive! No reciba buenas noticias! Nosotros no recibamos Lets not receive! No recibamos a los estudiantes nuevos en la escuela! Vosotros no recibis Dont receive! No recibis muchos correos electrnicos! Ustedes no reciban Dont receive! No reciban a la familia en el aeropuerto!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Rbs Abn Merger Free Essays

The Acquisition of ABM AMNRO by RBS Introduction Mergers Acquisition have become very popular throughout the world in the recent times. This has become popular due to globalization, liberalization, technological developments intensely competitive business environment. Mergers and acquisition are a big part of corporate finance world. We will write a custom essay sample on Rbs Abn Merger or any similar topic only for you Order Now This process is extensively used for restructuring the business organization. In India, the concept of mergers and acquisition was initiated by the government bodies. The Indian economic reform since 1991 has opened up a whole lot of challenges both in the domestic and international spheres. The increased competition in the global market has prompted the Indian companies to go for mergers and acquisitions as an important strategic choice. The trends of mergers and acquisitions in India have changed over the years. The immediate effects of the mergers and acquisitions have also been diverse across the various sectors of the Indian economy. Acquisition Acquisition in general sense is acquiring the ownership in the property. In the context of business combinations, an acquisition is the purchase by one company of a controlling interest in the share capital of another existing company. An acquisition may be affected by (a) agreement with the persons holding majority interest in the company management like members of the board or major shareholders commanding majority of voting power; (b) purchase of shares in open market; (c) to make takeover offer to the general body of shareholders; (d) purchase of new shares by private treaty; (e) acquisition of share capital or one company may be either all or any one of the following form of considerations viz. eans of cash, issuance of loan capital, or insurance of share capital. History On October 10,2007 Royal Bank of Scotland led consortium with RBs, Fortis of Belgium and banco Santander central Hispano SA of Spain created history by acquiring Dutch banking gaintABN AMBRO for US$ 100 billion. The consortium paid US$ 51. 55 per share of ABM AMBRO, about 13% more a s compared to the rival Barclays offer. This was one of the largest acquisition in the history of global banking industry . The consortium agreed to pay 93% of amount through cash and remaining 7% through RBS shares. Due to the 2008 financial crisis, the Dutch government nationalised the divisions owned by Fortis, while the UK government is now in effective control over the divisions allocated to RBS due to its financial bail-out of the Scottish bank. The process of integrating some of ABN AMRO’s divisions into the new owners, and divesting others, continues. Since 6 February 2010 the bank has been split into one organisation owned by the Dutch government called ABN AMRO Bank N. V. and another owned by The Royal Bank of Scotland Group renamed The Royal Bank of Scotland N. V. On this date the Dutch owned businesses legally demerged from those owned by RBS. The Dutch government own the ABN AMRO brand for use with the parts of the bank they purchased while other companies within the Group will be renamed or closed down. Objective To study the acquisition of ABN AMBRO by RBS form various perspectives. We will try to answer the following questions:- What would a SWOT analysis reveal? What were the various synergies? Was the acquisition strategy sound? Events after acquisition? Various parameters of the deal. Effect of recession on the deal. Major challenges faced by the firm. On 19 January, 2009 RBS issued a statement in which it admitted that acquiring ABN AMBRO was a mistake. It also issued in the statement that ? 10 billion that it had spent on ABN ABMRO was worth nothing by then. Also RBS incurred a loss of ? 24. 1 billion on a total income of ? 26. 9 billion. So in this report we will try to study and analyse the after-effects of acquisition. Various other similar factors are attempted to be studies. Data Research Methodology Data will be mainly sourced from secondary sources. However the management of certain firms under view will be interviewed through structured questionnaires. The data will be analysed using financial tools to access the effectiveness of the deal. An attempt will be made to evaluate the efficiency of the merged firm with the help of selected financial ratios. Analysis and expected results Through the medium of this report an attempt will be made to analyse the financial benefits of the acquisition. In addition to strategic benefits, the acquisition would deliver significant financial benefits to the shareholders. Through major cost savings and improved profitability of business lines, substantial earnings improvements for shareholders will be realised. The expectations from the deal were to strengthen all three consortium banks in their respective markets and open up new segment to accelerate their growth. The analysis includes:- Impact of mergers acquisition on employees and working conditions Looking at the financing of the acquisition and studying the possible financing options. Major challenges of the merger and the opportunities. RBS’s current expansion plans Sensitivity analysis Synergy analysis Accounting and financing structure Risk assessment and cost of capital Leveraged buy-out Estimating merger gains and cost Of course, it is easy to criticize another firm’s management but not so easy to improve it. Some of the self-appointed scourges of poor management turn out to be less competent than those they replace. Here is how Warren Buffet, the chairman of Berkshire Hathaway summarizes the matter Many managers were apparently over-exposed in impressionable childhood years to the story in which the imprisoned, handsome prince is released from the toad’s body by a kiss from the beautiful princess. Consequently, they are certain that the managerial kiss will do wonders for the profitability of the target company. Such optimism is essential. How to cite Rbs Abn Merger, Papers

Friday, May 1, 2020

Innovation - Production and Business Operations Management

Question: Discuss about the Innovation, Production and Business Operations Management. Answer: Introduction: Development of the music has been encountered in the recent past with the transcription that takes place and thus there will be reviewing the history of technology. These primary dimensions are that composers and musicians are engaging in career development activities in advancing the respective professions and thus enhance human understanding. There is adoption of new techniques and methodologies which are offered by the presence of electricity and telecommunications. The computer technology has been utilized by the music producers in enhancing quality sound systems are implemented. There are expressive forms of sonic arts that are created by using this equipment which have got specialized functions. The ability to make a mechanical production of sound is considered in this perspective in that the emancipation of the sound from the original source is considered and traced from the originality. The artists who are working with music equipment have a well-planned experiment that is co nducted in a technological manner. The primary stage involves the democratization and popularizing with the consumption of music. There is transformation of the music is in the industry which is modified all over the world and has a lot of monetary value attached. The art of noise and existence of futuristic orchestra has promoted the power of the phonographic reproduction of music in digital streaming. Wide magnetic tapes spearheaded the development of the music industry which was used as medium of recording the audio signals. The process of recording has been witnessed from the famous Paris studios where the first recording took place. The secondary dimensions of streaming the music has been viewed as the tasks that are undertaken in the creative processes to get a coordinated result of harmonious codes to quality production of music. Digitalization application of informatics to describe how the sound is organized and this enhances taking advantage of the computational systems. The systems used of computer at this stage are only as a perceived synthesized sound liberation by the artists for the possibilities of composition. Recording results to amount of displacement caused by the sound wave is the reason as to why there is audio which enhanced by the technology. The digitized audio is relayed in the form of sound and released in form of waves at the secondary stage where this will pave way for the next important dimension. This can be measured in terms if Pascals pressure hence the quantification of the effect caused by the release of the wave to the environment. Sound is grouped into several typology of various boundaries hence this makes the differentiation of the forms of sound produced an easy step. There are frequency components of sounds occurring in the natural world and are identifiable in noisy sounds. A male singer who is producing music will have a different cello as compared to another individual; the inner hair has cells that responds to the vibrations perceived into the auditory cortex of the brain. During interpretation of the frequency by brain of a person provides a sufficient feedback and information concerning whether the music type or genre is suitable for listening and releasing as a content to be patented on the copyright. Computers software of converting analogue to digital is used to enhance conversion process of the sound and then undertakes the process of digitizing by using the amplitudes. The sampling of the respective amplitudes is considered an important activity. There are regular intervals and the pressure readings are arranged numerically and thus passing them upstream in small packets. Analogue converter enhances the smoothening of the wave and this can be fed to the speaker or other devices for the purpose of playback. The storage of sound in a computer is in form of variety of formats which are PCM samples that are commonly used in other representations. There is audio interchange format sample of storing the file and the wave file format which was developed by the Microsoft and IBM companies. Fringe users of the digital music streaming are the artists who are capable of composing their own songs and music from scratch. Individuals come up with their own words and personality in the music and therefore the character of the artist is depicted in the lines. Users are engaged in producing the music where they are charged a recording fee by the digital studios I the country that offer these services. Latent performance has affected the fringe users because they have to adhere to the current trends and new styles. The equipment is expensive to purchase and this makes it cumbersome for the industry to keep up-to-date with the current trends. Performance makes the users to adjust to higher demands of the listeners who have got different tastes and preferences. (Krishnan, 2001) appropriateness and impact of platform-based product development are applicable in the companies. Lead users of the digital streaming services industry are the companies that aim at using the music to advertise and utilize the opportunity by informing about the product and services that are offering. Many marketers in labeling and packaging are also users of the services to be utilized in the advertising of their commodities in the radios and television to the masses and the general public. Non-users are the regulating bodies and the government which imposes taxation and other charges for release of the music in form of digital content encryption. Fines for any malicious attempt is adhered to and made applicable in the court of law in case any damage or offensive language is used against another party or individual without his/her consent. The examples of sustaining innovation and potential low cost disruption are classified as market disruption by imposition of the regulations and policy measures that are a challenge to cope with by the music producers. The offering of free recording services to upcoming artists in return of compensation is termed as an example to innovation in the music industry. The diversity in use of technology and high level equipment which are sound efficient and are well developed are the reason behind the successful innovation. (Curve 1992) that production and operations management is well explained journal of productivity and performance of organizations. The future innovation opportunities in my work place could be facilitated by utilizing the fringe users who are the consumers in the market for the firms products and services. These customers can be able to facilitate an innovative environment and thus enhance the occurrence of opportunities because of their heightened need for the product dimension. The users provide their needs which are sometimes difficult to achieve by the company thus the organization will end up designing the products which are mains stream to suit the condition. Resonant innovation is utilized in the latent performance measurement and this enables the industry to resonate together with the participants who are also supposed to have a mutual benefit. The new designs will lead to innovation of new models and methods of conducting the operations in the music industry. The customer requests are made in regarding to better performance which might be primary or secondary in nature. Technical performance dimensions are considered to be independent and thus do not sorely rely on any other factor. The novel technologies has been used to make requests that are made to the industry be it the music industry or any other organization that engages in service delivery. Latent performance measurement is considered as cumbersome due to the engineering constraints in the product design. There are difficulties in implementing the technical musical terms hence the customers request are made in accordance with the innovation needed to improve the performance and productivity. I would organize the customer requests in a format that will foresee the important requests are considered first priority. The requests concerning the product design would be given the first priority in order to facilitate innovation to take place. (Bower 1995) argued that disruptive technologies of catching the wave are suitable in the industry context. Competition that is persistent in the industry will be dealt with appropriately by the latent dimensions that are used in the entity. The second to be considered are those requests that make the firm to acquire new developing technologies that are essential for the self-identity. (Kim 2001) said that product design with multiple quality-type attributes is the best an approach to development. Management Science he managers should recognize the latent potential of a new dimension in order to reduce the chances of being overtaken by a competitors. Rivals are also aware of the process of obtaining customer requests hence there should be and classification of all the requests in the industry without neglecting any which is received to stay ahead in service delivery and quality management. This organization of requests in a considerable manner will give the music industry a competitive advantage over their rivals. The aspect of organization made according to the innovations that includes the resonant innovations and those which are brought upon by the users. The users of these products and those who access the services are in a position to make changes and help in identification of opportunities for innovation. (Adner 2005) said that demand-Based Perspective on Sustainable Competitive Advantage is important in a working environment. These concepts are significant in enhancing innovation in the work place by obtaining feedback from consumers to rectify the existing weakness in the industry that has been spotted. Utilization of opportunities that are available to the company and the entire organization will be a positive action towards improving innovative. The adoption of current technology and producing technique will make the entity be ahead and lead other rivals hence a favorable competitive edge. Conclusion Digitization of the processes in my work place will create a cohesive working environment which is friendly and suitable for modification activities. I would also consider the requests from the industrial consumers to be able to make the necessary implementation. Customer satisfaction is necessary for innovativeness practices and thus there is meeting the demands that are ever changing. Consumer preferences and choices make the organization to be able to modify the systems and techniques of operation. References Adner, R., P. Zemsky, T. 2005. A Demand-Based Perspective on Sustainable Competitive Advantage, Strategic Management Journal, 36(2), 229254. Bower, J., Christensen, H. 1995. Disruptive Technologies catching the Wave, Newman press, Sydney. Curve K. 1992. Production and Operations Management, Journal of productivity and performance pages 334357, 1992A. Kim, K. 2000. Product Design with Multiple Quality-Type Attributes Management Science, Herman press, Austria. Krishnan, V., Gupta, S. 2001. The appropriateness and impact of platform-based product development, Oxford press, New York.